


大江戸温泉浦安万華郷で「Hot & Cool Festa! 2018」が本日(7/13)より開催

Special Summer Event that was hugely popular last year “Hot & Cool Festa! 2018” will be held at Oedo Onsen Urayasu Mangekyou from today!!

PMAJでは、イベントの目玉として浦安万華郷内で最大のお風呂「大滝の湯」(水着露天風呂)にて実施されるプロジェクションマッピングに新コンテンツを導入しました。愉快な仲間たちの海底ファンタジックパーティー「Underwater Kingdom」と題して、個性豊かな海の生き物たちが豊かなストーリーを展開します。

コンテンツ映像は「AVA Animation&Visual arts」

今回、PMAJの企画・プロデュースの基にコンテンツの映像を手がけたのは、メキシコのクリエイティブチーム 「AVA Animation&Visual arts」。彼らは、2018年4月に開催された、PMAJ主催の「1 minute projection mapping in ハウステンボス」にて、見事準グランプリに輝きました。


愉快な仲間たちの海底ファンタジックパーティー「Underwater Kingdom」

場所:水着露天風呂 大滝の湯
期間:2018年7月13日(金)~9月30日(日) ※時間19:30、20:00、20:30 各回とも約5分間の投影

▶ 大江戸温泉 浦安万華鏡 公式ホームページはこちら ◀

PMAJ adopted new content to the projection mapping to be carried out at the biggest bath “ Ootaki-no-Yu”(open –air bath for bathing suits) in Urayasu Mange-kyou as a main attraction on the event. At this underwater fantastic party of jolly friends “Underwater Kingdom”, you can enjoy seeing the joyful stories of unique sea creatures.

This time, the creative team “AVA Animation&Visual arts” from Mexico produced the video of the content based on the planning and production of PMAJ. They won the Semi-Grand Prix at “1-minute projection mapping in Huis Ten Bosch” produced by PMAJ held in April 2018. The work which combined with a spectacular worldview and a pop expression makes everyone smile.

In addition to projection mapping, as main events, you can appreciate about 1,000 goldfish which are mainly “Edo-nishiki”, approximately 20 varieties of colors and shapes gathered from all over the world. Also the bubble machine that will be the third time will be appeared.

How about playing in the water while watching the projection mapping on a hot summer evening?

Underwater Fantastic Party with jolly friends “Underwater Kingdom”

Place:Open-air bath for swim suits “Ootaki-no-Yu”
Date:13th July 2018 ~ 30th September 2018 ※Show Time : 19:30、20:00、20:30 (5min)

Oedo Onsen Official website


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Get in touch

If you are interested in projection mapping or are considering introducing it, please feel free to
contact us. We also accept membership registration.